I recently curated our first show in the project space at our studio building, Millville Studios. Tucson really turned out for the one night event. It was an incredible experience all around. You can find a short description of the show below and a link to install photos here taken by the incredible Maya Hawk.
I’m incredibly grateful to work with and make art alongside the artists included in the exhibition: Susanna Battin, Erik Schmahl, C.E. Fitzgerald, Ryan Hill & myself.
Odd Room highlights the work of the five resident artists at Millville Studios working in separate spaces, but under one roof during this stretch of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The show is situated in the basement of the building and takes inspiration from Weronika Zielinska-Klein’s “Guestroom Project,” where she invited artists to work in the “odd room” in her family’s home. The project was interpreted as being born of her experience as a new mother, her embodiment of maternal care colliding and informing her artistic practice and vice versa*. Odd Room is an opportunity to engage as a community of artists, highlight new modes of working and connecting while experiencing new life rhythms, performing new rituals of care and inhabiting spaces anew. The show honors the way we negotiate our new realities, where time operates differently and things may be awkward, provisional, or vague and where artists are encouraged to make the odd work.
Curated by: Sara Hubbs
*Epp Buller, R. & Reeve, C. (2019). Hospitality as Ethical and Creative Responsiveness in the Work of Weronika Zielinska-Klein, Inappropriate Bodies, Art, Design, and Maternity (p. 336). Demeter Press